OFFICER BIOGRAPHIES ; A Sir Charles Adam Sir Edmund Affleck Philip Affleck Thomas Affleck William Affleck (1) John Carter Allen William Allen James Alms (1) Peter Aplin Marriot Arbuthnot John Plummer Ardesoif Christopher Atkins David Atkins Sir Francis William Austen Philippe d’Auvergne John Aylmer John Ayscough B Richard Bagot Joseph Baker George Balfour Henry Ball Henry Lidgbird Ball Samuel James Ballard (1765-1829) Volant Vashon Ballard Francis Banks Robert Barbor Sir James Mantle Barclay Lord Barham Scory Barker Andrew Barkley Sir Robert Barlow Sir Robert Barrie Hon. Samuel Barrington Robert Barton Nathaniel Bateman William Bayne Sir Henry William Bayntun John Bazely (1) Lord Amelius Beauclerk Philip Beaver William Bedford Henry Bellew William Bentinck Hon. Sir George Cranfield Berkeley Velters Cornewall Berkeley Sir Albemarle Bertie Hon. Peregrine Francis Bertie Sir Richard Bickerton (1) Sir Richard Hussey Bickerton Robert Biggs William Blair John Blankett John Bligh George Miller Bligh Richard Rodney Bligh William Bligh Richard Boger Philip Boteler John Bourchier John Bourmaster Edward Bowater George Bowen (1) George Bowen (2) James Bowen Richard Bowen Sir George Bowyer Hon. Sir Courtenay Boyle Sir Edward Brace James Bradby (1) William Bradley Richard Braithwaite Edward Pelham Brenton Jahleel Brenton (1) William Brereton Viscount Bridport Sir Thomas Briggs James Brine Sir Charles Brisbane Sir James Brisbane John Brisbane Hugh Bromedge John Broughton William Robert Broughton Herbert Browell John Brown William Brown Philip Browne Henry Bryne Charles Buckner Joseph Bullen Sir Edward Buller Rowley Bulteel Richard Rundle Burges Sir George Burlton Sir William Chaloner Burnaby Thomas Burnett Sir Harry Burrard James Burney Richard Incledon Bury John Butchart William Butterfield Sir Thomas Byard Hon. John Byron George Anson Byron Richard Byron C Hon. Thomas Cadogan Sir Robert Calder Sir Benjamin Caldwell Charles Holmes Everitt Calmady Lord Camelford Sir George Campbell John Campbell Robert Carkett Hon. William Carnegie. 7th Earl Northesk Hon. Charles Carpenter James Carpenter Philip Carteret Sir Philip Carteret (Silvester) William Carthew Tobias Caulfield George William Cayley Charles Chamberlayne Nicholas Charrington Hon. John Whitmore Chetwynd Smith Child Brabazon Christian Alexander Christie Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian James Clark William Clarke Edward Sneyd Clay Samuel Wittewronge Clayton John Cleland Michael Clements Charles Cobb Hon. Sir Alexander Forester Inglis Cochrane Sir George Cockburn Sir Isaac Coffin Stephen Colby Sir Christopher Cole Francis Cole Henry Colins Sir George Collier Sir George Ralph Collier Lord Cuthbert Collingwood Thomas Collingwood Wilfred Collingwood Sir John Collins James Colnett Sir Edward Griffith Colpoys Sir John Colpoys Lord John Colville James Cook Edward Cooke John Cooke John Cooke (2) Robert Palliser Cooper Samuel Pitchford Cornish James Cornwallis Hon. Sir William Cornwallis Phillips Cosby James Cotes Isaac Cotgrave Sir Charles Cotton Rowland Cotton George Countess George William Augustus Courtenay John Cowling William Edward Cracraft James Cranston James Cranstoun 8th Baron Cranstoun Charles Craven Abraham Crespin Richard Creyke John Crispo Henry Cromwell ( Later Frankland) James Cumming Sir Charles Cunningham Sir Roger Curtis Hon. Henry Curzon D James Richard Dacres (1) Hugh Dalrymple John Dalrymple William Daniel George Darby Sir Henry d’Esterre Darby Sir Charles Dashwood Henry Davis Charles Sydney Davers Thomas Davy George Dawson Joseph Deane Hon. Michael de Courcy Sir Digby Dent Sir Archibald Dickson William Dickson Hon. Robert Digby Charles Dilkes John Dilkes Edmund Dod John Doling Sir William Domett Sir Ross Donnelly Sir Andrew Snape Douglas Billy Douglas Sir Charles Douglas John Erskine Douglas John Leigh Douglas Stair Douglas (1) Hugh Downman Sir Francis Samuel Drake Francis William Drake John Drew Thomas Drury William O’Brien Drury Lord Ducie Sir John Thomas Duckworth William Duddingston George Duff Thomas Dumaresq Viscount Adam Duncan Henry Duncan Sir Philip Charles Calderwood Henderson Durham E Alexander Edgar William Edge Edward Edwards Richard Edwards Sampson Edwards Timothy Edwards John Elliot Joseph Ellison Hon George Keith Elphinstone. Viscount Keith John Elphinstone (1) John Elphinstone (2) Farmery Predam Epworth Sir William Essington Henry Francis Evans John Evans Charles Holmes Everitt Michael Everitt Viscount Exmouth Thomas Eyles Sir George Eyre F Sir William Charles Fahie Sir William George Fairfax Hon. George Falconer Robert Fanshawe George Farmer Thomas Farnham Jonathon Faulknor (1) Jonathon Faulknor (2) Robert Faulknor James Ferguson John Ferguson Solomon Ferris Charles Fielding Hon Seymour Finch Hon. William Clement Finch Richard Fisher Lord Charles James Fitzgerald Thomas Fitzherbert Lord Augustus Fitzroy Sir Thomas Foley William Fooks Sir Edward James Foote Hon. Robert Allaster Forbes John Ford John Faithful Fortescue Patrick Fotheringham William Fox Henry Cromwell Frankland Alexander Fraser Thomas Lenox Frederick Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle Tobias Furneaux G Thomas Gaborian James Gambier (1) Lord James Gambier Lord Alan Gardner Hon. Alan Hyde Gardner 2nd Baron Hon. Francis Farrington Gardner William Garnier Clark Gayton George Gayton Sir Francis Geary John Gell Sir Rupert George John Lewis Gidoin John Giffard Bonovier Glover Samuel Granston Goodall Sir John Gore Thomas Le Marchant Gosselin Sir Davidge Gould Sir Erasmus Gower Alexander Graeme David Graves John Graves Richard Graves Samuel Graves (1) Samuel Graves (2) Lord Thomas Graves Sir Thomas Graves George Gregory Hon. Sir George Grey Walter Griffith Anselm John Griffiths H Sir Peter Halkett Christopher Halliday Sir Benjamin Hallowell (Carew) John Halsted Sir Lawrence William Halsted Sir Charles Hamilton Charles Powell Hamilton Sir John Hamilton Thomas Hamilton Sir Andrew Snape Hamond Sir Graham Eden Hamond Joseph Hanwell Sir Charles Hardy Charles Hare Sir William Hargood Sir Robert Harland Harry Harmood John Harper Broderick Hartwell Sir Francis John Hartwell Sir Eliab Harvey Sir Henry Harvey John Harvey Robert Haswell James Hawker James Hawkins John Henry Hon. Charles Herbert Edward Herbert Lord John Augustus Hervey Edmund Heywood Peter Heywood Thomas Hicks Benjamin Hill John Hills John Holloway Sir George Home Roddam Home Sir Alexander Hood, Viscount Bridport Alexander Hood Viscount Samuel Hood Sir Samuel Hood Charles Hope Sir George Johnstone Hope Sir William Johnstone Hope Sir Henry Hotham Lord William Hotham Sir William Hotham John Houlton Earl Richard Howe Tyringham Howe John Howorth Charles Hudson Charles Hughes Sir Edward Hughes Sir Richard Hughes Anthony Hunt (1) Anthony Hunt (2) John Hunter John Hutt I Richard Incledon John Nicholson Inglefield Samuel Hood Inglefield Charles Inglis (1) John Inglis (1) Henry Inman Alexander Innes Hon. Frederick Paul Irby J Maximilian Jacobs John Jervis Earl of St. Vincent William Henry Ricketts Jervis George Johnstone Gideon Johnstone James Jones Theophilus Jones K Sir Richard Goodwin Keats Viscount Keith William Hancock Kelly Richard Kempenfelt James Kempthorne Viscount Augustus Keppel George Keppel Alexander Robert Kerr Lord Mark Robert Kerr George Augustus Keppel James King Philip Gidley King Sir Richard King (1) Sir Richard King 2nd Baronet Sir Robert Brice Kingsmill Edward Kittoe Charles Knatchbull William Knell Sir John Knight Sir Charles Henry Knowles L Sir Francis Laforey Sir John Laforey Thomas Larcom Sir Robert Laurie William Lechmere Hon. Sir Arthur Kaye Legge Patrick Leslie Edward Leveson-Gower Hon. John Leveson-Gower John Mason Lewis Sir Charles Lindsay George Lindsay Sir John Lindsay John Linzee Robert Linzee Adam Littlejohn Henry Lloyd Thomas Lloyd (1) Thomas Lloyd (2) William Locker Sir John Lockhart-Ross Lord Longford Sir Thomas Louis Richard Lucas Hon. Thomas Charles Lumley-Saunderson George Lumsdaine Hon. John Luttrell-Olmius 3rd Earl of Carhampton Skeffington Lutwidge M John Macartney John MacBride Robert M’Douall Thomas Mackenzie John M’Kerlie John M’Laurin Hon. Dunbar MacLellan James Macnamara Jemmett Brown Mainwaring Hon. Frederick Lewis Maitland John Maitland Sir Pulteney Malcolm Robert Man Thomas Manby John Manley Lord Robert Manners John Markham Benjamin Marlow Sir Samuel Marshall Sir Thomas Byam Martin Christopher Mason John Matthews Charles Middleton Lord Barham Robert Gambier Middleton Mark Milbanke Ralph Willett Miller Simon Miller Paul Minchin Sir Andrew Mitchell Anthony James Pye Molloy George Paris Monke John Monkton Sir George Montagu James Montagu John Montagu Augustus Montgomery Robert Montagu Sir Robert Moorsom Sylverius Moriarty Sir James Nicoll Morris John Morris James Robert Mosse Robert Mostyn Sir Richard Hussey Moubray (Hussey) John Moutray Zachary Mudge Lord Mulgrave Hon. George Murray Sir George Murray Robert Murray N Sir Edmund Nagle Sir Harry Burrard Neale Viscount Horatio Nelson Christopher John Williams Nesham Henry Newcome Thomas Newnham Robert Boyle Nicholas Sir Henry Nicholls Earl Northesk John Neale Pleydell Nott William Nowell Sir Charles Edmund Nugent O Sir Chaloner Ogle William Henry King O’Hara Robert Dudley Oliver Cornthwaite Ommanney Sir John Acworth Ommanney Sir Richard Onslow Sir John Orde Edward Oliver Osborn Samuel Osborn Charles Otter Sir Robert Waller Otway William Albany Otway George Ourry Sir Edward William Campbell Rich Owen P Hon. William Paget Edward Pakenham John Pakenham Hon. Sir Thomas Pakenham Sir Hugh Palliser George Palmer John Alexander Panton Christopher Parker Sir George Parker Sir Hyde Parker (1) Sir Hyde Parker (2) Sir Peter Parker Sir William Parker Thomas Parr Anthony Parrey Francis Parry Sir Thomas Pasley Charles Dudley Pater Charles William Paterson Philip Patton Lord Henry Paulet John Willett Payne William Peacock Sir Richard Pearson Sir Edward Pellew Viscount Exmouth Sir Israel Pellew Taylor Penny John Perkins Joseph Peyton Joseph Peyton (2) Thomas Peyton Arthur Phillip Hon Charles Phipps Hon. Constantine Phipps. Lord Mulgrave Thomas Piercy William Pierrepont Hugh Pigot (1) Hugh Pigot James Pigott John Pilford Philippe Pipon Hon. James Charles Pitt Hon. Thomas Pitt 2nd Lord Camelford Sir Charles Morice Pole Nathaniel Portlock Philemon Pownall Sir Henry Prescott Isaac Prescott d’Arcy Preston Thomas Pringle Peter Puget John Child Purvis Sir Thomas Pye Q R Lord Radstock Peter Rainier (1) John Raynor Ambrose Reddall Samuel Reeve Richard Retalick Francis Reynolds-Moreton Lord Ducie Henry Reynolds John Reynolds Robert Carthew Reynolds Sir Thomas Rich William Henry Ricketts Edward Riou Henry Roberts William Roberts George Robertson Lewis Robertson Hugh Robinson Mark Robinson (1) Robert Roddam George Brydges Rodney 1st Baron Hon. John Rodney Josias Rogers Thomas Rogers Lord Rosehill James Ross-Farquharson Sir John Lockhart-Ross Edward Rotheram Bartholomew Samuel Rowley Sir Joshua Rowley Sir Josias Rowley 1765-1842 Thomas Macnamara Russell S Hon. Henry St. John Earl of St. Vincent John Salisbury Elliot Salter James Samber James Sanders Charles Sandys Lord James Saumarez Henry Savage Charles Sawyer Herbert Sawyer (1) Sir Charles Saxton George Sayer (1) John Schanck Isaac Schomberg Alexander Scott Matthew Henry Scott Robert Scott Walter Serocold Lord Hugh Seymour (Conway) Thomas Revell Shivers Lord Molyneux Shuldham Sir Philip Carteret Silvester Robert Simonton Patrick Sinclair Lancelot Skynner Edward Tyrrell Smith Isaac Smith John Samuel Smith Mathew Smith Richard Smith William Smith Sir William Sidney Smith Frank Sotheron Thomas Davy Spry Matthew Squire Sir Thomas Staines Hon. Sir Henry Edwyn Stanhope John Stanhope John Stanton George Hopewell Stephens William Stevens Hon. Keith Stewart Charles Stirling Sir Walter Stirling John Stone Hon. Sir Robert Stopford John Stott Sir Richard John Strachan Lord William Stuart Hon. Alan Hyde Gardner 2nd Baron Andrew Sutherland Evelyn Sutton Robert Manners Sutton Sir John Sutton Spelman Swaine William Swiney John Sykes Thomas Symonds John Symons T George Talbot Sandford Tatham William Taylor Thomas Taylor John Temple John Thomas Sir Charles Thompson Edward Thompson Samuel Thompson John Thompson Sir Thomas Boulden Thompson Sir Edward Thornbrough George Tobin Thomas Tonken George Henry Towry John Trigge George Tripp Sir Henry Trollope Sir Thomas Troubridge William Truscott Sir Charles Tyler U Samuel Uppleby Samuel Uvedale V George Vancouver George Vandeput James Vashon George Vaughan Sir Edward Vernon Nicholas Vincent W Martin Waghorn Hon. William Waldegrave 1st Baron Radstock James Walker Sir James Wallace Samuel Hood Walker James Wallis Samuel Wallis Hon. Robert Boyle Walsingham George Robinson Walters Henry Warre Frederick Warren Sir John Borlase Warren Frederick Watkins Joshua Rowley Watson Robert Watson Thomas Watson James Watt William Henry Webley (Parry) Thomas Wells Thomas West George Blagdon Westcott Sir Jacob Wheate John Wheelock Henry Whitby John Whitby Sir James Hawkins-Whitshed Andrew Wilkinson George Wilkinson Thomas Wilkinson King William IV James Williams Sir Thomas Williams William Williams William Peere Williams Freeman John Williamson George Wilson Hon. Thomas Windsor Robert Winthrop Thomas Wolley Charles Wolseley William Wolseley Charles Wood Daniel Woodriff John Woodley Y Sir Joseph Sydney Yorke Sir George Young Walter Young Sir William Young A Christopher Atkins 1728-1791 B Samuel Barrington 1729-1800 C Tobias Caulfield 1740-1781 S Thomas Symonds 1731-1792 James Saumarez 1st Baron de Saumarez 1757-1836 Alexander Scott @1739- 1811 LORD MOLYNEUX SHULDHAM @1717-98 A Christopher Atkins 1728-1791 B Samuel Barrington 1729-1800 C Tobias Caulfield 1740-1781 S Thomas Symonds 1731-1792 James Saumarez 1st Baron de Saumarez 1757-1836 Alexander Scott @1739- 1811 LORD MOLYNEUX SHULDHAM @1717-98 A Christopher Atkins 1728-1791 B Samuel Barrington 1729-1800 C Tobias Caulfield 1740-1781 S Thomas Symonds 1731-1792 James Saumarez 1st Baron de Saumarez 1757-1836 Alexander Scott @1739- 1811 LORD MOLYNEUX SHULDHAM @1717-98 A Christopher Atkins 1728-1791 B Samuel Barrington 1729-1800 C Tobias Caulfield 1740-1781 S Thomas Symonds 1731-1792 James Saumarez 1st Baron de Saumarez 1757-1836 Alexander Scott @1739- 1811 LORD MOLYNEUX SHULDHAM @1717-98