Battle of Cape St. Vincent – 14 February 1797

by | Jan 23, 2025 | 1797, The French Revolutionary War 1793-1802 | 0 comments

British fleet in order of battle, together with killed and wounded:

Culloden 74 Captain Thomas Troubridge 10+47
Blenheim 98 Captain Thomas Lenox Frederick 12+47
Prince George 98 Rear-Admiral William Parker 8+7
  Captain John Irwin  
Orion 74 Captain Sir James Saumarez 0+9
Colossus 74 Captain George Murray 0+5
Irresistible 74 Captain George Martin 5+13
Victory 100 Admiral Sir John Jervis 1+5
  Captain of the Fleet Robert Calder  
  Flag Captain Hon George Grey  
Egmont 74 Captain John Sutton 0+0
Goliath 74 Captain Sir Charles Henry Knowles 0+8
Barfleur 98 Vice-Admiral Hon. William Waldegrave 0+7
  Captain James Richard Dacres  
Britannia 100 Vice-Admiral Charles Thompson 0+1
  Captain Thomas Foley  
Namur 90 Captain James Hawkins Whitshed 2+5
Captain 74 Commodore Horatio Nelson 23+54
  Captain Ralph Willett Miller  
Diadem 64 Captain George Towry 0+2
Excellent 74 Captain Cuthbert Collingwood 10+12

Other Vessels:

Minerve 38 Captain George Cockburn
Southampton 32 Captain James Macnamara
Niger 32 Captain Edward Foote
Lively 32 Captain Vicount Garlies
Bonne Citoyenne 20 Commander Charles Lindsay
Raven 18 Commander William Prowse
Fox 10 Lieutenant John Gibson

Spanish Fleet::

1 x 130 guns: Santisima Trinidad:
6 x 112 guns: Concepción: Conde de Regla: Mexicano: Principe de Asturias: Salvador del Mundo: San Josef:
2 x 84 guns: Neptuno: San Nicolas:
17 x 74 guns: Atlante: Bahama: Conquestador: Firme: Glorioso: Oriente: Infanto de Pelayo: San Antonio: San Firmin: San Francisco de Paulo: San Genaro: San Idelfonso: San Juan Nepomuceno: San Pablo: San Ysidro: Soberano: Terrible:
1 x 58 guns: San Domingo (74 en-flute):
9 x Frigates: Antiocha 34: Brigida 34: Ceres 34: Diana 34: Dorotea 34: Matilde 34: Mercedes 34: Paz 34: Perla 34: