Blog and Contact Details


The trouble with signal flags is that a message can be lost in translation if a mast is shot down – so please use the Contact Form at the foot of this page to contact me instead – its much simpler!

Hi – This is the place where I will share news and updates of current research I am doing. It is also the page where you can contact me if you wish to comment on the work in general, or on individual biographies or events. Please be assured that if you use the Comments Section in response to one of my articles I will not pass on your personal details (name, email) to any third party. For more information read my Privacy Policy.

Click here to access the Contact Form

Additional information within the parameters of the work is always welcome and can be added to the work if the source material can be validated.(Please note that it is often not the case that renowned sources on the internet and in your library are reliable – as anybody who might have attempted to separate the lives of the two Captain John Elliot in the mid 18th Century will be able to tell you. And don’t get me started on the three George Bowens!)

Should you wish me to accelerate the posting of any biography from this period I will happily do so as long as they fit the parameters of the work (i.e that the individual concerned served in the rank of post-captain or admiral during the period 1776-1815) and that they are one of the 1,200 officers I have already researched. If they do meet the criteria but have not been researched then you may have to wait a little longer!


Here is a little bit about me

And here is a bit about the artwork on the Home page.

Work Status

12.10.2024 Next up is a biography of S J Ballard, a reprise of P Cosby, and an article on the French Expedition to Ireland in 1796. 20.09.2024 Holidays have taken their toll but hopefully back on it now with a biography of Sir Courtenay Boyle, an article on the action...

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