by Richard Hiscocks | Jul 28, 2024 | 1784, The Peace of 1784-1792
Captain Mostyn is killed in a duel – 13 February 1784 Amongst the hundreds of officers who made it to post captain rank in the Georgian Navy were a handful of hotheads whose impulsive and injudicious characters propelled them onto the so-called ‘field of...
by Richard Hiscocks | Mar 6, 2018 | 1784, The Peace of 1784-1792
The Treaty of Mangalore ends Mr Carthew’s bitter imprisonment – March 1784 In December 1781 the Hannibal 50, Captain Alexander Christie, having arrived at St. Helena to convey home the trade, was summarily ordered to the East Indies on the orders of...
by Richard Hiscocks | Feb 28, 2018 | 1784, The Peace of 1784-1792
In the spring of 1784 the popular Rear-Admiral Lord Hood, a holder of an Irish peerage and thus eligible to sit in the House of Commons, contested the election for the country?s most liberal borough, that of the City of Westminster, in order to support William...
by Richard Hiscocks | Feb 28, 2018 | 1784, The Peace of 1784-1792
1784 Overview In 1784 hostilities with the Netherlands finally ceased. Although Ceylon was returned to the Dutch her trade had suffered greatly from the British blockade, and such was the damage to the Dutch East India Company that it would only survive for another...