This fine body of athletes represent Outwood Cricket Club, on tour in Corfu. That’s me on the far right. For reasons that are best not shared the upside down flag is a tradition.

Bristol Rovers – The ‘Gas’.

“Sex Pistols in Paradiso” by Photograph: Koen Suyk.

“The Chameleons Vox (Rock in den Ruinen 2013) IMGP3855 smial wp” by Smial (talk) –

Plus holidays in France……..

…the U.S.A….

….and Tenerife.
What an interesting web site. I am a retired Lt Commander with a collection of Postal History containing a number of letters from Naval Officers from 1734 onwards including Admiral Sir David Milne, Sir John Duckworth and the Hon William Cornwallis. I have a couple of Soldiers and Sailors penny post letters [postal rate introduced in May 1795]
Thank you for your kind words, Michael. Its always a pleasure to know that there are people out there enjoying the site, the more so when it is a retired officer. It sounds as if you have a wonderful treasure trove there! Interestingly I’ve always had a liking for Cornwallis, perhaps because he was portrayed most favorably in the Hornblower books by C S Forester. Conversely Duckworth appears to have been a somewhat tricky character – his biography was an interesting one to compile and I’m looking forward to revising it in due course. Kind regards, Richard.
Lieber Richard!
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Alles Liebe und Gute!
Conny xx